Thursday, September 23, 2010


It's officially fall and I haven't posted anything to our blog in 3 months.  Needless to say, summer went by quickly with lots of traveling, celebrations and family fun too.
The pictures below are from June.  First is Corbin and John giving each other a "dap".  Corbin has mastered this skill and I must say it's pretty cute.  The boys are sitting in their chairs waiting for a parade to start.  Corbin attended a parade last year but was too small to know what was going on.  I'm counting this as his first official parade.

 Here is the little guy waiting patiently for the next tractor, truck or sash wearing girl in a convertible to throw some candy his way. 


One of Corbin's favorite things to do is put change in his piggy banks.  I didn't make a typo, I meant banks, plural.  He has 4, 2 pigs, 1 bunny and 1 bus.  I don't know why he has so many but I'll tell you what, that change adds up.  Recently Corbin and I took a field trip to the bank to change in his money and he had $94.87 in his banks...  Thanks Great Grandma!

We have a nice man made lake near us that we decided to visit one weekend.  Here John is trying to get Corbin used to the water.  At the beginning of the summer he was a bit nervous about getting into the water and about splashing too.  It didn't take him long to get over it as you'll see in later pictures.

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