Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Long time no blog!

It's been forever since I posted anything. Christmas and the New Year flew by and it's nearly the end of January. Lot's has happened in the past month... Here are a few pictures to catch you up!
Corbin didn't rip into his gifts like I thought he would this Christmas so I was disappointed. I guess I should have known better. In a few years when he rips open the gifts so fast he barely notices them I'll be thankful for this Christmas!

Corbin got a visit from his cousin Kate a couple of weeks ago. He was a very jealous little boy. Not only was she invading his turf, she was getting all his Mommy's attention!

This is just a funny picture showing lots of Corbin's personality. He loves to take his socks and shoes off, he loves to run around without pants on and he loves his snack cup!